The installation of heat pumps in Germany is rising rapidly, as the first quarterly figures show. According to the Federation of German Heating Industry (Bundesverband der deutschen Heizungsindustrie, BDH) and the German Heat Pump Association (Bundesverband Wärmepumpe, BWP), it stood at 91,500 heating heat pumps in the first quarter of 2023 (+111% compared to the same period last year). Moreover, the combination of heat pumps with PV systems is playing an increasingly important role in Germany. This combination not only enables efficient use of renewable energies, but also greatest savings in heating costs. By using an energy storage system, the heat pump becomes even more flexible and independent of external power sources. The potential has already been recognized by installation companies that include both heat pump and PV system installation in their portfolio (e.g.: thermondo, 1KOMMA5°). It is evident that companies are planning to enter the market, add heat pumps to their portfolio or have already announced this, such as Enpal recently.
The preliminary results of the WärmepumpenMonitor© 2023 (en. HeatPumpMonitor© 2023) show that the installation companies surveyed have already combined around 36 percent of heat pump installations with a PV system and/or with a storage system. The interim results make it clear that while a significant proportion of heat pump installations are already benefiting from the advantages of combining heat pumps and PV, there is still potential for increased sector coupling in heat pumps.
The WärmepumpenMonitor© 2023 offers a comprehensive market insight from the perspective of the most important intermediaries – the installers. Among other things, the study conveys the challenges installers face during installation, describes the procurement process, outlines brand awareness and the brand portfolio, and focuses on the brands’ willingness to recommend.
Stream our brief summary and learn more about the “WärmepumpenMonitor© 2023”.
If you have any questions, please reach out to:
Leo Ganz, Partner at EUPD Research
Christine Koch, Research Analyst at EUPD Research