Market Briefing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Solar & Storage DigiCon Virtual Conference Roadshow 2022
Powered by the globally leading clean energy market intelligence provider EUPD Research, 30+ international key country markets will be assessed during focused digital workshops. Additionally, selected partners will be invited to share their views on last market trends and technological innovations driving the energy transition on local level. Each webinar session covers:
  • Market Trends & Forecast
  • Regulatory Frameworks
  • Dominating Technologies

09:00 – 09:15 AM (CEST)
Market Outlook Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by EUPD Research
Parag Bhamre, Partner, EUPD Research

09:15 – 09:30 AM (CEST)
Key Solar Market Developments & Technical Trends from the Supplier’s Perspective
Hans Jürgen Sauter, Vice President MENA, Nextracker

09:30 – 09:45 AM (CEST)
The Local View: Assessment of KSA Solar Business Opportunities & Market Developments in 2022
Haytham Abdo, Director of Origination, Desert Technologies Investments

09:45 – 10:00 AM (CEST)
Accelerating the Energy Transmission in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the MENA Region – The Perspective of a World Market Leader in the Mounting System Sector
Mohamed Abdelzaher, Regional Sales Manager MENA, K2 Systems GmbH




EUPD Research

Parag Bhamre

Parag Bhamre

Parag started working in the PV industry in 2010, and he is connected with EuPD Research ever since. He conducted numerous market research and consulting


Hans Jürgen Sauter

Hans Jürgen Sauter

Desert Technologies Investments

Haytham Abdo

Haytham Abdo

K2 Systems GmbH

Mohamed Abdelzaher

Mohamed Abdelzaher